Yes, we do guarantee delivery, we have had 99% success rate with delivering packages worldwide, if in any case the package does not get delivered (except package theft from your door or if you refuse to receive the package) we will do a free reshipment.

We Accept Major Credit/Debit cards – Visa/Master/Amex/Discover. We also offer various other payment options such as Bitcoins (30% Discounts), Western Union, Zelle and gift cards

We use EMS India for shipping worldwide [6-13 Days], Lithunian Post for Europe [3-7 Days] and India Post [6-13 Days] and USPS [3-7 Days] for US based deliveries

We source products directly from the manufacturer. we only sell the highest quality products

This Depends on the country the product is being shipped from and the destination country. We offer Domestic US to US shipments within 2 Days, EMS India to USA within 6-13 days. All other countries other than USA delivery estimate is 6-12 days.

Yes, we ship to the UK [4-6 Days] and Ireland [4-6 Days], we are working on shipping domestically within the UK (2-3 day delivery)

Yes, we do, but we do not guarantee delivery, we have had good success rate shipping to Canada, if ordering from Canada, we will not reship if package gets stuck.

Payment processing is usually completed within 24 hours, we request you to co-operate with the payment processing bank in case they call you to verify the purchase, the payment processor may call you to confirm the transaction.

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